首页 >其他小说 >The Lion, the Witch and the War > CHAPTER TEN

CHAPTER TEN(第1 / 3页)

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tO BREAK No go back to Mr and Mrs Beaver and t;time to lose,quot; everyone began bundling to coats, except Mrs Beaver, ed picking up sacks and laying table and said: quot;No reac of tea, and tc t of the corner.”

quot; are you doing, Mrs Beaver?quot; exclaimed Susan.

quot;Packing a load for eac; said Mrs Beaver very coolly. quot;You didnt t out on a journey o eat, did you?”

quot;But ime!quot; said Susan, buttoning t. quot;Se.”

quot;ts ; chimed in Mr Beaver.

quot;Get along ; said ;t over, Mr Beaver. S be er of an least.”

quot;But dont as big a start as ,quot; said Peter, quot;if o reacone table before her?”

quot;Youve got to remember t, Mrs Beaver,quot; said Susan. quot;As soon as s top speed.”

quot;t s; said Mrs Beaver. quot;But get tever we do, for shell be on a sledge and well be walking.”

quot;t; said Susan.

quot;No you get fussing, t; said Mrs Beaver, quot;but just get of t a get t and per through.”

quot;ts true enoug; said ;But its time of this.”

quot;And dont you start fussing eit; said ;ts better.

t for t of us: ts you, my dear,quot; s Lucy.

quot;O; said Lucy.

quot;ell, Im nearly ready no; ans last, allo;I suppose took o bring?”

quot;Yes. It is,quot; said Mr Beaver. quot;A great deal too to use it whe run, I suppose?”

quot;I cant abide t of t itc,quot; said Mrs Beaver, quot;and breaking it or stealing it, as likely as not.”

quot;O; said t last t outside and Mr Beaver locked t;Itll delay ,quot; off, all carrying their shoulders.

topped and t Mr Beaver, ter, t of all. Mr Beaver led to t bank of t of patrees rig, toher hand.

quot;Best keep doo top, for you couldnt bring a sledge down here.”

It y enougo look at it table armc at first. But as t on o all. And sopped looking at tness of ts erfalls of ice and at te masses of tree-tops and t glaring moon and tless stars and could only ctle s legs of Mr Beaver going pad-pad-pad-pad t of o stop. to fall

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